Una invitación para conocer la historia del Galeón de Manila, su cultura y su impacto en Filipinas y en América.
sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009
Esta mañana, zarpa la nao
Un galeón, un barco, una nao, cargada de ideas, sale hoy del puerto con rumbo desconocido. He decidido comenzar esta bitácora (los capitanes ingleses le llaman blog) de un viaje hacia el inmenso mar del Pacífico.
I want to comment on the entire blog: it is a fabulous source of historical information. Thanks for it. I am trying to complete an article on the possible trans-Pacific pre-Columbian contacts between the Jomon Japanese and the tribes of the Mexican Southwest: Mixe-Zoque, Totzil, etc. and the Ecuadorian Valdivia Culture. (Jorge Olvera, Mex. Emilio Estrada, Ecuador). Any info on that? THANKS!
The scope of this blog is limited to the available literature on the Transpacific relationships after the massive European presence in Asia in the XVI Century. However, the subject mentioned by your kind comment allows me to mention an interesting book published in Germany in 1972, Tranzpazifische Kulturbeziehunge, by Wolfgang Marschall. There is a traslation into Spanish -Influencias Asiáticas en las Culturas de la América Antigua. Estudios de Historia, Ed. Euroamericanas, México 1979.
The essence of this study is to compare the difussionist approach, versus the pluricultural one in the analysis of separate cultures in Asia and in America.
The book is a good methodological approach to review the vast evidence collected over centuries by researchers and, in modern times, by scientists as archeologists and culture historians.
3 comentarios:
I want to comment on the entire blog: it is a fabulous source of historical information. Thanks for it. I am trying to complete an article on the possible trans-Pacific pre-Columbian contacts between the Jomon Japanese and the tribes of the Mexican Southwest: Mixe-Zoque, Totzil, etc. and the Ecuadorian Valdivia Culture. (Jorge Olvera, Mex. Emilio Estrada, Ecuador). Any info on that? THANKS!
Dear Sirs,
The scope of this blog is limited to the available literature on the Transpacific relationships after the massive European presence in Asia in the XVI Century. However, the subject mentioned by your kind comment allows me to mention an interesting book published in Germany in 1972, Tranzpazifische Kulturbeziehunge, by Wolfgang Marschall. There is a traslation into Spanish -Influencias Asiáticas en las Culturas de la América Antigua. Estudios de Historia, Ed. Euroamericanas, México 1979.
The essence of this study is to compare the difussionist approach, versus the pluricultural one in the analysis of separate cultures in Asia and in America.
The book is a good methodological approach to review the vast evidence collected over centuries by researchers and, in modern times, by scientists as archeologists and culture historians.
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